Sails Back On!

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Yesterday, March 15, we finally got our sails back. The day started with thick mist, but gradually the sun burned it off, and we had a perfect sunny day – and virtually wind less. There was an early hiatus, as the flatbed truck carrying the restored sails stuck in good Wilton mud, but David Lemon came to our rescue, his huge tractor dragging it out with ease.  Our millwrights, Owlsworth IJP then remounted all four renovated sails during the day. The Windmill Society had laid on BBQ, beer and cakes, as well as the usual coffee, tea and ice-cream from the shepherds hut. Over 100 people came up to the Windmill to witness the event, which was also extensively covered  by our media friends at BBC Wiltshire Radio, The Gazette and Herald, Wiltshire Life and Penny Post. All a terrific start to the new season, which opens at Easter – our public will know that we are truly back in business. By Friday (wind permitting) we hope to re-start milling, so that we can re-supply our partners in the local farm shops, as well as sales from the shepherd’s hut.